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Small Green Plants

 About Me

Welcome, friend, I’m so glad you’re here!
Let me take you on a little journey through the woods of my life…
🌿 My Journey Back to Wholeness

I’m Klara Tselenchuk—a registered nurse, Forest Therapy Guide, and nature connection wellness coach with a deep passion for the healing power of the natural world.

For over a decade, I worked as a bedside nurse in acute care hospital settings, witnessing both the incredible resilience and heartbreaking fragility of the human spirit.

But it wasn’t until the pandemic—and my own unraveling—that I discovered the true essence of healing. Like so many, I reached a breaking point.

Burnout, mental health struggles, homeschooling during lockdown, a divorce… it all crushed. I lost myself. I forgot who I was beneath the roles, the responsibilities, the doing.

And then—I found nature again.

🍃 Nature Became My Medicine

It started with quiet walks in the woods. The forest didn’t ask anything of me. It just held me.

As I spent more time outdoors, I began to feel my nervous system slowly settle. I could breathe again. I could hear myself again.

Nature helped me recover not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually. It reconnected me to something ancient, something wise, something true.

I realized something that changed everything: We are not separate from nature. We are nature.

Yet in our modern world, we’ve forgotten this truth. We’ve disconnected from the earth—and in doing so, we’ve disconnected from ourselves.

🌻 Why I Started Natureli Whole

Natureli Whole was born from this healing.

It’s a space where I support others—especially overwhelmed caregivers, healthcare workers, and parents—in slowing down, reconnecting, and finding their way back to balance.

Through guided forest therapy walks, personalized coaching, and nature-based workshops, I create experiences that are gentle, meaningful, and deeply restorative.

My approach is trauma-aware, heart-centered, and grounded in the belief that healing begins with relationship—to nature, to self, and to others.

✨ I’m also a certified guide listed on Forest Bathing Finder, a global directory for trained Forest Therapy practitioners.

🌲 The Heart of My Work

At Natureli Whole, my mission is simple but powerful: To help you reconnect—with nature, with yourself, and with your community.

Because when we pause long enough to hear the wind, feel the soil, and breathe deeply into our bodies… something inside begins to soften. To heal. To come home.

Mental health, I believe, is often our soul’s way of nudging us back into alignment. And nature—with its infinite patience and quiet wisdom—offers us a clear path home.

🤝 Let’s Walk This Path Together

Whether you’re seeking peace from the chaos of daily life, navigating a life transition, or simply craving stillness, you’re not alone.

Nature is here, always waiting to welcome you back. And I’m here, too—ready to walk alongside you.

🌿 Ready to Explore What’s Possible Together?

I offer personalized Forest Therapy walks (in-person or virtual), one-on-one holistic coaching in nature, and private nature connection events—all tailored to your unique needs and goals. You’re also warmly invited to join the Nature Connection Walks Club, a supportive community gathering regularly to slow down, reconnect, and experience nature together.

If you’re planning a retreat, private gathering, team-building day, or wellness event—or you have a special venue or creative idea—I’d love to co-create something meaningful with you. I truly enjoy designing unique, nature-centered experiences that meet people where they are and bring presence, connection, and a touch of magic to the moment.

👉 Click here to schedule a complimentary call, and let’s explore what kind of experience would support you best. Or simply send me a message to start the conversation.

With love and gratitude for the journey—and excitement for what lies ahead,
Klara 💚

P.S. Remember: Nature is the new medicine… and you can’t overdose on it. 🌲

Klara Tselenchuk Registered Nurse Nature Connection Facilitator Forest Therapy Guide

Education and Certification 

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) 

  • Registered Nurse (RN)  

  • Life Coaching Certification Course. 

  • Board Certified Nurse Coach (BC-NC) specializing in holistic wellness.

  • Certified Nature Connection Facilitation Specialist 

  • Certified Forest Therapy Guide (ANFT)

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